Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day

Ringing to Rememember

Bells in churches in our three villages will be commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armistice that ended World War One.

As is traditional, Yattendon bells will ring before the Remembrance Service (10.45), half muffled to mourn those who died.

Then at 12.30 p.m., timing with the end of the Cenotaph service, bells all over the country will ring out, without muffles, to celebrate the ending of that terrible war.

At Hampstead Norreys, where work is needed to make the bells completely safe, just one bell will ring.  Frilsham will chime its two bells.

At Yattendon, the full six bells will sound – and our new ringers, who joined specifically to learn for this event, will be fully part of the team of ringers.

Marcus & Tessa Allum

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