Welcome to Frilsham

A small but beautiful gem of a village in the heart of the West Berkshire countryside. Not only are we lucky enough to have the perfect setting but we also have a very friendly and busy comunity living here

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Frilsham Clubroom

Set in just over 3 acres surrounded by woodland common is Frilsham's village hall, known as The Clubroom, available for hire

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Dedicated to St Frideswide

A princess of the late seventh century. According to legend she fled from Oxford to Frilsham to escape the unwanted attentions of a suitor, and hid on the site of a ruined temple used as a pig-sty, which later became the site of the church.

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Frilsham is a village and civil parish centred North East of Newbury

In the English county of Berkshire. It is a village near the Berkshire Downs and its nucleus is on a hill surrounded by woods and meadows.

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Frilsham Village in the heart of the Berkshire countyside

Along the valley of the Pang lies Frilsham, a small West Berkshire parish surrounded by woods and meadows.

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Dates for your diary

What's on in Frilsham, all our latest events, updated regularly


Help raise funds for Frilsham projects when you shop online - at no extra cost to yourself

  • A  Meeting of Frilsham Parish Council...

    Frilsham Parish Council Meeting in Frilsham Clubroom
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  • Notice of  Audit 2023/24 Notice of...

    Frilsham Parish Council Audit – Year Ending 31/03/2024
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  • Frilsham Walks – A New Leaflet...

    All the Footpaths, Bridleways and Byways in Frilsham
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  • A History of Frilsham in Berkshire...

    by Dorcas Ward
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