Category Archives: Local News

Snowdrops appearing in early January!

Snowdrops in St Frideswide churchyard   The New Year has arrived and the snowdrops have started coming out in the Churchyard. Will their early arrival mean a long and spectacular season? Did you know that our Churchyard is a wildflower haven - keep watching from now until May and you will see snowdrops, aconites, daffodils…
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What to do if it doesn’t work

Calling 101, 105, 111 on Vonage Some people with Vonage connected phones have had a problem when trying to call 101 (non-emergency police), 105 (power cut), or 111 (NHS helpline).  They repeatedly get the engaged tone. If you do, it’s easy to get it fixed.  Just contact Vonage and ask them to refresh your line…
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Planning application at Frilsham Lime Quarry

Frilsham Parish Council A  major planning application has been submitted for Frilsham Lime Quarry.  This is for 'a proposed new house of exceptional quality and design, landscape enhancements and associated works.' The application seeks an exemption to usual policy on residential development in the countryside under the provisions of paragraph 55 of the National Planning…
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