Calling 101, 105, 111 on Vonage
Some people with Vonage connected phones have had a problem when trying to call 101 (non-emergency police), 105 (power cut), or 111 (NHS helpline). They repeatedly get the engaged tone.
If you do, it’s easy to get it fixed. Just contact Vonage and ask them to refresh your line settings. You will then need to unplug the power cable of your Vonage unit, wait 30 seconds and plug it back in for the changes to take effect. They will explain all this to you.
You can contact Vonage by email or by dialling 150 from your Vonage line or Freephone 0207 993 9000, 10 a.m. to midnight, 7 days a week.
Better to know these numbers will work when you need them!