Frilsham Support Group Update No 1
The response has been tremendous! We now have more than 30 volunteers in the village, all ready and wanting to support. Every household in Frilsham saw the launch leaflet, and everyone should now know how to get help from a neighbour if they need it.
Our local businesses have risen to the occasion fantastically, and we are now supplied with local sources of groceries, and a hitherto undreamt-of choice of take-aways.
This does not replace advice from NHS on 111 or
You can help: If a family member, friend or neighbour is not connected, please print this off for them.
Sources of local Frilsham information
To join in the WhatsApp group Frilsham Village, contact Tessa Allum by text to 07703 885641, or via Facebook Messenger. If you need help from a neighbour, you can ask on WhatsApp, or call 01635 204044. If you are responding to a request for help, please use the Reply Privately function on WhatsApp. Then your chat will remain private. |
Facebook page Frilsham Village is a good way to find out what’s happening locally, and a way of connecting with people in the community. |
The new West Berks Support Hub is aware that the Frilsham support group exists, and how to contact us. If/when they implement actions, they will contact us for local knowledge. |
GP Surgeries
Downland Practice: Family members can collect prescriptions – call the surgery first to say this is happening. If you need a village volunteer to collect, contact Tessa on 01635 204044 and she will arrange. If you want to collect for someone else who is not a family member, you will need a photocopy of your driving licence authorised by a Parish Councillor. Tessa can help with this. Chapel Row and Pangbourne Boathouse: have not put any new process in place yet, but are looking into it. They are aware of the Frilsham Support Group if they need help from someone local. |
Take-away food locally
Royal Oak, Yattendon is offering oven-ready meals for you to cook at home, as well as a take-away menu. To order, contact Royal Oak: call 01635 201325 opt 1 or 2. Menus are available at |
The Taproom at West Berks Brewery is offering take-away pizzas, burgers and beer, around lunchtime and in the evenings. Free delivery in a 5-mile radius. 10% discount on food if you collect.
Order online at or by calling 01635 767090 The brewery shop is still open for sales of beer (but now closing at 3pm), which can be ordered at . Please refer to West Berks Brewery website for shop opening and take-away food times, as they are being refined and may change. |
The White Hart, Hampstead Norreys is offering a take-away food service (except for Mon & Tues). For the menu, see Facebook page Norris White-Hart, and use Messenger to order before 3pm. Please supply a phone number to call for payment, and your car colour, make and last 3 digits of reg.
Or call 07980 644265. |
Local Shopping
Our local stores are working very hard to support the community. Please try to keep your distance in the stores, don’t crowd other customers, and be patient. Yattendon Stores – For those in strict isolation due to medical conditions only, the shop has started a collection service – groceries can be picked up from outside the shop. To arrange this, call Eugene on 01635 201236. |
Hampstead Norreys Community Shop – please note new opening hours from today:
Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm Sat 8am – 4pm Sun 9am – 12 noon More information on |
The Wild Fork catering company has just introduced a grocery store, using hospitality industry suppliers and meat boxes from Vicars Game. Collect from Haw Farm on Tuesdays or Friday, orders should be emailed to Wild Fork, using their order form, by 4pm the previous day. Supplies will change, so always use the appropriate order form for the day.
For an order form, email Wild Fork at or call 01635 200 200. |
School closures and children
Schools are closed apart from essential key worker or vulnerable children. Each school has made arrangements for its pupils, please refer to their communications. Remember that children should not be getting together: no play dates, stay overs. This applies to the Frilsham playground – children should keep distance. Please respect this and limit play to only a few children at a time. |
Ø Wash your hands frequently, with soap, and for at least 20 seconds. Ø Keep your distance (2 metres) from other people – including when out for a walk with anyone not from your household. Don’t crowd people in shops. This includes children. Ø Sneeze or cough into a tissue, and then bin it. Then wash your hands. If you don’t have a tissue handy, use your sleeve. Ø Seriously reduce the number of contacts you have in a day wherever possible – don’t go out or see other people unnecessarily. |
Apologies for any errors. Please send corrections, or suggestions for inclusions in the next update to