Frilsham Nativity Trail – The Map
Join us on the Frilsham Candlelit Nativity Trail
Sunday 19th of December, 5:30-9:30pm
First LIGHT the WAY
At 5:00pm on Sunday 19th of December please put the tea lights that were delivered into your own jars, light them, put them inside the bags and place them on the verge outside your home.
Go to for The Nativity Story to listen to before you head out or as you go. Bundle up as your favourite Nativity Character if you like, grab your torch, put on your walking shoes and follow this map around the heart of the village.
And Remember to
Please keep a Safe Donkey DISTANCE from your neighbours as you view the scenes.
And clear up the jars the next day to keep our village looking so lovely.
You cab download the map here.
Make sure to save your glass jars to use on the night!