Recycling Crisp Packets and more, via
Hampstead Norreys Community Shop has gradually been making its operations as sustainable as possible. Outside the shop, there is now a collection point for some forms of plastic that cannot be recycled via WBC’s roadside collection: empty crisp packets, biscuit and cake wrappers, pet food including dog and cat food sachets. They also collect milk bottle tops and empty pens and felt tip pens. All this will benefit charities.
All plastics collected will be sent to TerraCycle who use the plastics to make plastic matting for playgrounds or garden furniture. As an added bonus, a small amount will be paid to the charity ‘Canine Partners’. This is an organisation that provides assistance dogs to people with physical disabilities to allow them greater independence and practical help with everyday household tasks such as emptying a washing machine. Just look at this photograph from their website!