Fish and Chip Van

Fish and Chips nearby

  • Wednesdays
    Yattendon village hall RG18 0XT
    17.00h – 20.00h
  • Thursdays
    St Stephens church Upper Basildon RG8 8LS
    17.00h – 20.00h
  • Fridays
    The village hall Bradfield south end RG7 6EY
    17.00h – 20.00h

A Mobile Fish & Chip catering business serving the surrounding areas and villages of West Berkshire is now available. They offer a variety of freshly prepared, freshly cooked food such as: Cod, Haddock, Fish Cakes, Battered Mushrooms, Sausages, Veggie Cakes and as the name of the business suggests, Chips!


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