even if you live elsewhere

Have your say on Newbury's future

Do you live or work in Newbury, or visit the town (even occasionally)?

If so, please take 10 minutes to complete this survey to have your say about what you like and don't like about Newbury and any improvements you would like to see.

The project team is keen to get as wide a cross-section of input as possible.  The aim is to ensure that Newbury thrives long into the future so the views of young people are important, as are those of people who use the town but don't live there.

Have Your Say

Your thoughts will be used to develop a masterplan for how Newbury can evolve in the future.  Please complete the survey before 31 January 2021.

More about Newbury Town Centre Masterplan Project

The Newbury Town Centre Masterplan project has been initiated by West Berkshire Council.  The first step is this online survey, followed by extensive engagement with the local community and a detailed analysis of the town's needs.  It will be developed over the next nine months and will outline how the town centre can evolve.

"There have been a good number of responses," says James Cole, District Councillor for Hungerford and Kintbury.  "However, more comments are needed from younger people and those outside Newbury.  This is your opportunity to make your views known on what might be substantive changes to our county town."

"This is a critical moment for many town centres in the UK," says Gabrielle Mancini, West Berkshire Council's Economic Development Manager.  "Businesses and local authorities recognise that they need to respond to the long-term effects of changing shopping and leisure habits driven by out-of-town shopping, the internet and Covid.  To give confidence to businesses and to take advantage of the funding opportunities available, it is essential that the correct vision is in place for Newbury as well as a clear strategy for bringing it to fruition.

"We believe Newbury can grow successfully with a strong identity as a bustling market town with independent retailers, creative and community spaces and a suitable mix of residential and commercial property.  It must attract new investment. It must address climate change and improve access by walking, cycling, public transport and electric vehicles.  Finally, it must continue to serve its rural catchment. 

"To achieve all these aims, the team will be working with the town, its residents and businesses to create a forward-facing and independent town centre fit for the many challenges of these fast-changing times, for all the people who use it.  All of this can only be accomplished with your help.  So please do have you say by completing this survey before the 31 January deadline."

Please pass the link on to anyone you know who visits, lives or works in Newbury, particularly if they're under 25.

Comments are closed.