Brewhouse Music 31st March West Berkshire Brewery

Brewhouse Music – The Bacuma Boys

The Bacuma Boys – a popular band at Yattendon's regular Brewhouse Music events – are 15 years old this year and sadly this anniversary coincides with their talented and versatile keyboard player Max Hunt leaving the UK for new musical challenges in Germany.

There's just time to put on one special last concert and this will be at Yattendon’s Brewhouse Music on Easter Saturday, March 31st, at 7.30pm.   There will be cameos by various combinations of the line-up and founder member Howard Cudby will also be fondly recalled in a trip down memory lane.

West Berkshire Brewery – where the band originally started – has kindly agreed to host this special Brewhouse Music in its fabulous Tap Room as Yattendon Village Hall has flood damage due to a burst pipe.  But most things about Brewhouse will be the same – or better!!  You will be able to take full advantage of the Tap Room's extensive bar and order from a shortened menu of burgers or pizzas so come hungry!

Tickets are available from Yattendon Stores, Roger Sansom, or the West Berkshire Brewery shop.  £12 each.


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