Soil Conditioner Give-Away
Back by popular demand! Residents of West Berkshire will be able to pick up Veolia West Berkshire's locally produced soil conditioner for free!
On Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 March 2023 there will be a soil conditioner give-away event at the Padworth Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF), Padworth Lane, RG7 4JF, between 10am and 4pm.
You'll need bring along your own bags/boxes and will be responsible for collecting and loading the soil conditioner from the site to your vehicle. Shovels will be provided for collecting the material so you don’t have to bring your own. No booking is necessary, but please bring ID or a utility bill to prove you're a West Berkshire Resident. Please be patient, this is a free event and demand for our last give away was huge, so there may be some queueing during busy parts of the day.
To help ease waiting times, we've increased the number of collection points and we will be re-stocking throughout the day so there's no need to get to the site early.