Terms and Conditions

You may download a PDF copy of these terms and conditions here

Frilsham Clubroom – terms and conditions plus additional information


  1. The “Hirer” is deemed to be the person making the booking and must be over 21 years of age.
  2. The hall has public liability insurance but hirers should ensure that they have the necessary insurance to cover all aspects of their event.  This is particularly relevant for equipment brought to the site by hirers – this is not covered by our public liability insurance – for example outdoor inflatables.  The Committee will not be responsible for accidents involving any equipment the hirer has brought on site.  Additionally, the Committee will not be responsible for the loss of, or damage to, the hirer’s property.
  3. The hall and grounds must be left in a clean and undamaged condition.  In extreme cases costs for cleaning, repairs or loss replacement will be levied on the hirer.


  1. All bookings must comply with these terms and conditions.
  2. Bookings are made with the bookings officer by email (future@frilsham.org.uk).
  3. Payment must be made before the letting commences.
  4. The hirer will be advised where to collect the keys.
  5. For some bookings a deposit will be required.  Any balance will be returned once the condition of the hall has been found to be satisfactory.
  6. The Committee reserves the right to
    1. Refuse any booking
    2. Terminate a non-compliant letting
    3. Cancel a booking in circumstances beyond their control, for example local government use as a Polling Station.
  7. The bookings officer should be notified of cancellations.  Hire charges remain payable if reasonable notice is not given.

Considerate use

  1. The Clubroom cannot be used for any unlawful purpose.  The hirer must ensure that no dangerous or illegal substances are brought onto the premises.
  2. The selling of alcohol is forbidden unless the hirer has gained an appropriate licence.  Provision of a bar for your own use is permitted providing no charge is levied.
  3. Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the building, or near the entrances, or in the playground.
  4. Feel free to decorate the hall for your event.  Please use the hooks provided around the wall to attach your decorations.  Please do not use pins, staples or sticky tape.
  5. Please consider local residents with regards to noise levels – sound travels far in the countryside.  Please be considerate when you leave the hall, particularly at night.  All music must stop by 11pm.

Outside space

  1. The car park is shared by other visitors to the site but it is a good size and so careful and considerate parking will ensure there are no problems.
  2. The Committee will not be responsible for the loss of, or damage to or by, any vehicles using the car park.
  3. The hire of the Clubroom includes use of the adjacent outside area.  However, during the football season football matches take priority, therefore the pitch will not be available when there is a home match.
  4. The Playground is available for use at all times by those hiring the hall as well as others.  There is something there for all ages and includes equipment suitable for children with a disability.  The area is checked regularly but the Committee cannot be held responsible for the safety of people using it.

After the letting

  1. Please ensure the hall, kitchen and other areas are left clean and tidy, the chairs and tables correctly stacked, heaters and lights off, and all doors and windows securely closed.
  2. Rubbish should be removed from the kitchen bin and placed in the black wheelie bin outside.  Please do not leave bags of rubbish alongside the wheelie bin as this attracts vermin – it would be appreciated if hirers take any excess rubbish away.
  3. The green crates and bag should be used for recycling as normal.
  4. Return the keys promptly and as advised.

Safety and Security

  1. The hirer must ensure that there are enough responsible adults for adequate supervision at events involving children, young people or vulnerable adults.
  2. Any electrical equipment brought into and used in the hall must be safe.  Any damage caused by faulty equipment will be charged to the hirer.
  3. No inflatables (e.g. bouncy castles) may be used inside the hall.
  4. In the case of fire there are two fire exit routes from the hall (main entrance and doors onto the pitch).  There are 2 fire extinguishers, foam in the hall and CO2 in the kitchen, with instructions, and a fire blanket in the kitchen.
  5. In the case of fire, hall users should make their way to the football pitch side of the car park fence and assemble by the far bench (nearest the road), staying behind the fence.
  6. There is no public call box in the village and mobile phone reception is variable.  In an emergency use your mobile in the car park, away from the hall, for a better signal.
  7. There is a defibrillator (‘AED’) in the village located within the old phone box.  If you think someone needs it, call 999 and you will be given the code to release the defibrillator which can be brought to the hall.
  8. There is a First Aid Kit and Accident Book in the kitchen cupboard under the counter.  All accidents must be recorded in the Accident Book.
  9. The hall is fitted with an intruder alarm which is managed by the bookings officer. Hirers should not touch it.
  10. CCTV has been installed for the purpose of crime prevention and public safety.
  11. For security reasons, the car park gate is locked overnight.