WBC – Delivery Advice

Leaflet Delivery guidance

Please note that there are some safe working practices to be adhered to when delivering by hand, foremost amongst which is to make sure that any deliverer is not a person who is considered vulnerable or high risk - please check the government's criteria here.

The key public health advice on distributing leaflets is as follows:

  • If you start to feel unwell, you must stay at home or immediately go home
  • Thoroughly wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. Do this before you start, before eating and drinking, and after your rounds
  • Try to wash your hands as frequently as possible during rounds, or use hand sanitiser (if available)
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Do not walk in pairs or groups
  • Keep at least two metres between you and any others
  • Avoid face-to-face contact with residents - they may be in a high-risk group that requires them to avoid any face-to-face contact
  • If residents do open their door, step back at least two metres
  • Try to avoid touching any surface that you do not need to, ideally you should only need to touch the letterbox
  • If you are concerned about any individual, please also report this to the West Berkshire Community Support Hub.