BW update 09-Apr – Primary Care Hubs

Primary Care Hubs 

In light of the pressure coronavirus is placing on our local health care system two Primary Care Hubs have been opened for local people with coronavirus symptoms who require clinical assessment in the community.

One is at the Walk in Centre in Reading’s Broad Street Mall and the second in a specially adapted space at Newbury Racecourse east entrance.

The hubs are only available to patients who have already gone through a structured medical triage system and have been identified as requiring further clinical assessment. Patients with coronavirus symptoms are initially advised to self-isolate at home; if their symptoms worsen during this period they are advised to contact NHS 111 online.

The Reading Primary Care Hub caters for people from Reading and Wokingham and is open seven days a week from 8am to 8pm. Patients who are registered at the Walk in Centre have been temporarily moved to the neighbouring Milman Road Health Centre and we are in touch with them to let them know of the arrangements.

No walk-in care is available at the walk-in centre at this time and patients with urgent care needs are therefore being advised to contact their registered practice or NHS 111. Further information is available on the CCG website.