Frilsham Support Group – Pets

Worried about your pets?


Guidance on pet care during the virus crisis is evolving.


The Frilsham Support Group is researching possible sources of support and other information which will be posted when available.


But for now…


  • Our local vets will continue to provide 24/7 care.  If you think your pet needs veterinary help phone your usual vet – they will tell you what to do – do NOT just turn up at the surgery.
  • Most pet food suppliers are open – you will be restricted in the quantities you can buy.  Online suppliers will deliver but there are restrictions.
  • If you are well you can walk your dog, alone, from home, and once a day.  If you have coronavirus symptoms you and your household must self-isolate.  Current government guidelines say that someone else can walk your dog for you but RSPCA say that there is evidence that pet fur could carry the virus.  This would put a dog walker at risk.  We have been advised that although not ideal, your dog will not suffer unduly if self-isolating for 7/14 days at home with you.  Most important is your pet’s need for food, water and shelter.
  • Write a care plan NOW for your pet ready for someone else to take over.  If you are to be admitted to hospital and there is no relative or neighbour to care for your pet, email and one of the core team will contact you as soon as possible.
  • Wash your hands for 20+ seconds every time you handle your pet.