Category Archives: Local News

Yattendon Village Hall, 8pm, Monday 20th September

Yattendon Frilsham Sports & Social Trust Parishioners of Yattendon and Frilsham are reminded that the 2nd Meeting of the Trustees in 2021 will take place in Yattendon Village Hall at 8pm on Monday 20th September. The full Agenda for the meeting will be posted on Village Notice Boards and can be downloaded here, but the…
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Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday 24 September Join us between 10.30 and 12.00 on Friday 24 September in Frilsham Clubroom and help Macmillan Cancer Support. Come and eat cake - Drink tea or coffee - Chat with others (socially distanced!) - or just drop by to make a donation towards this great cause. Home made cake…
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Clubroom open for organised exercise classes

Yoga Class at Frilsham Clubroom   Although use of community halls, including Frilsham Clubroom, remains limited, organised exercise is permitted. Many local children enjoy the weekly dance sessions (Tuesdays) - and these have been extended to include adult tap dancing for the more energetic. A yoga class has recently started on Monday evenings (6.30 p.m.). …
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