Monday 29th May in Yattendon Village

Yattendon & Frilsham Village Fete 2023

Programme of Events 2023

1.00          Opening by Lord Iliffe
1.15          Watership Brass Band by the Village Hall
1.30          Yattendon School Maypole Dance in the Square
1.45          Punch & Judy Show in the Village Square
2.00          VoxSonix in the Manor Field
2.15          Kennet Morris Men in the Village Square
2.45          Punch & Judy Show in the Village Square
3.00          Watership Brass Band by the Village Hall
3.15          Tug of War in the Manor Field (by the Coconut Shy)
3.30          VoxSonix in the Manor Field
3.40          Kennet Morris Men in the Village Square
4.00          Raffle Draw by the Village Hall
Cake Competition Winner announced outside the Village Hall
4.30          Fete Closure

Fun Dog Show

1.15          Doggy Obstacle
1.45          Cutest Puppy
2.15          Best Trick
2.45         Best Heinz 57
3.15         Waggiest Tail
3.45         Golden Oldie/Rescued Rover Celebration
4.15         Dog the judge would most like to take home
4.25        Best in Show (all winners of previous rounds for final judging)

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