All the Footpaths, Bridleways and Byways in Frilsham

Frilsham Walks – A New Leaflet

Dick Greenaway of the West Berkshire Countryside Society has produced a new Walks Leaflet for Frilsham Parish.

Each Walk Leaflet describes a single walk and has a good clear map with pictures and information about the countryside through which the walk passes. We have made Parish Paths Leaflets for many West Berkshire parishes. The map in each Parish Paths leaflet shows every track and path in the parish over which the public has a Right of Way. This right is as legally valid as the right to drive along a highway. The leaflets also contain a brief note and pictures about each path.

To download a copy of the new Frilsham leaflet, click Local Footpaths
It forms a neat 8-page A5 leaflet when printed.

For more information on local walks, go here


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