WBC Covering Letter to Residents’ Leaflet

West Berkshire COVID-19 Residents’ Advice Leaflet - covering letter 26th March 2020

We would first like to thank everyone who has engaged with the West Berkshire Community Support Hub and/or directly with their own residents to help support the most vulnerable at this very challenging time – the response to date has been tremendous.

We intend to step up our communications with you so that you receive more frequent updates, both in relation to the guidance we are receiving from Central Government (and the impact of these directives on the ground), and to give you the latest about what we are doing in the district for our local communities and how you might help further.

In saying this, we are sure that you will appreciate that this is a very fast moving situation and that we are doing our best to react to the latest briefings and to also ensure – in part through the Town and Parish Councils and our invaluable community volunteers – that our communities are all in a good position to mobilise and help the Council meet its key responsibilities at this time.

We are keen to make you aware about the first stage of this process.

Very shortly we will issue a residents’ advice sheet to reinforce the key messages about safe social distances, safe practices, etc and to signpost individuals to telephone numbers and websites where they can go for extra advice at this anxious time.

With this covering letter is an electronic version of the leaflet, download here, which is being sent to every household in the district this weekend via a specialist deliverer.  We considered asking Town and Parish Councils and volunteers to assist in distribution, but decided that speed was of the essence and that we didn’t want to overburden anyone given everything else that is going on.

Having said this, if anyone would like supplies of the leaflet to make doubly certain that they are delivered to the most vulnerable, particularly where delivery by the delivery company might be problematic (gated communities, etc) please let us know (please email Jo Naylor) and we will arrange to have a supply delivered to you very shortly (but also please note the delivery guidance here).

On top of this we would like you to assist us, and the West Berkshire Ward Members, to get the attached electronic version brought to as many people’s attention as possible, via websites, social media, etc.  Anything you can do to help us spread this message will be much appreciated.

We will write further about the next stages of our community response very shortly, in addition to which Jo Naylor is logging the views, concerns and very practical issues which are being communicated to us by the Towns and Parishes and by community groups - we will ensure these concerns are answered as best as we can, as the picture continues to emerge and plans are developed, revised and enacted.

Many thanks again for your consistent commitment to helping at this time.

Lynne Doherty                                                    Nick Carter
Leader of the Council                                         Chief Executive