Broadsheet temporary arrangements

The Broadsheet - May Issue - normal delivery service resumes

This month's Broadsheet is being delivered to subscribers' homes.  We have a number of low-risk volunteers who are happy to do this for the community.  They will deliver as part of their daily exercise and follow government guidelines for delivering.  If in doubt about letterboxes they will just leave The Broadsheet on the doorstep.  Thank you to those who have volunteered their time in this way.

There will also be some copies for sale in the Hampstead Norreys Community Shop and Yattendon Stores as usual.

May's issue will not be available online.  April's issue will remain on the Frilsham website for another month.  We also have a small number of paper copies of April's issue left – if you would like one, please email

The Broadsheet - April Issue - restricted availability

Due to the ongoing coronavirus situation, we will not be delivering The Broadsheet to individual houses as we normally do.  It would be unreasonable, and not in accordance with the government guidelines, to ask all our 30 volunteer distributors to go round the villages on what is strictly non-essential business.

Instead, it is here for you to download and read.

Alternatively, if you would like a paper copy, there are supplies at Hampstead Norreys Community Shop and at Yattendon Stores.  If you have a subscription, please just help yourself.  If you do not have a subscription, please pay the shop 40p, thank you.

If you have a subscription and are unable to get a copy from the shops but would like your paper copy set aside for you, please let us know.  Email your name, address and phone number to and we will let you know when we are able to deliver it.  Please bear in mind that this may be months away, depending on the government relaxing the current restrictions sufficiently.

Thank you for your patience and understanding, and please do take care.

The Broadsheet Team