Five lunches in Frilsham homes

Lent Lunches in Frilsham - 2018

Every year, during Lent, local people are invited to join hosts from Frilsham and Yattendon to enjoy a simple lunch of soup, bread and cheese.

The two villages alternate hosting these lunches and it is Frilsham's turn in 2018. You will be made very welcome - please join us during Lent to enjoy good food and good company.

If you would like to come along, please call the host to let them know and to ensure there is enough soup for everyone.

Dates (all Wednesdays), hosts & locations (host will provide directions if needed!)

21st February - Sue Bertie - 201291 - Frilsham Manor

28th February - Georgie Woods - 201249 - The Old Rectory

7th March - Janet Barber - 202899 - Lilac Cottage

14th March - Judith Neal - 201560 - Thorncutts Cottage

21st March - Ann Goodenough - 201275 - Parsonage Farm




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