Alabama Rot – Dog Owners be alert

Alabama Rot: Alert for dog owners

There have been at least two recent reported cases of Alabama rot in dogs living in or near Frilsham.  As has been reported in the press, Alabama rot is a disease that damages blood vessels in the skin and kidney. It causes blood to clot in the vessels which damages the lining and the delicate tissues of the kidneys. Alabama rot’s full, scientific name is cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy (CRGV).

This causes ulcers on a dog’s skin and leads to kidney failure, which can be fatal.

The cause of Alabama rot is not known but it can affect dogs of any breed, age, or size.  It seems that the majority of dogs who have been treated for Alabama rot in the UK have been walked in muddy and/or woodland areas.

More cases are reported between November and May than between June and October, which suggests the dogs are more likely to be affected in winter and spring.

Specialist vets Anderson Moores who have tested samples in dogs and co-ordinated research have more information on their website at

Vets advise that dog owners should check their dogs daily for sores and lesions which can be the first symptoms of the disease.  These usually appear on the paws or legs but can be on the face, mouth, tongue or lower body.  Some vets also advise that washing mud from dogs after a walk may reduce the risk of contracting the disease.




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