mock art auction in aid of Frilsham & Yattendon churches

£1,300 Raised for Our Local Churches

A huge thank you to everyone who came along to the recent Mock Art Auction in aid of Frilsham and Yattendon churches.  It was a really successful and enjoyable evening raising over £1,300.

A team of friends and neighbours from Frilsham – with very little knowledge of art other than "we know what we like" – was surprised to win.  Congratulations to them.

Many thanks to Meg Turner and Kay Murphy and all their helpers for organising and running the event; also to Roger and Sue Sansom for bringing along 32 works of art from their Mulberry Gallery; and to the White Hart in Hampstead Norreys who provided the supper and to Tracy Foster who ran the bar.  Thank you everyone!



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