Yearly Archives: 2018

Five lunches in Frilsham homes

Lent Lunches in Frilsham - 2018 Every year, during Lent, local people are invited to join hosts from Frilsham and Yattendon to enjoy a simple lunch of soup, bread and cheese. The two villages alternate hosting these lunches and it is Frilsham's turn in 2018. You will be made very welcome - please join us…
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7:30 pm Tuesday 20th March

Frilsham Clubroom Annual General Meeting   7:30 pm Tuesday 20th March, Frilsham Clubroom Please join us to hear the latest Clubroom developments and take part in shaping the future of this village asset. All welcome  
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Consulting those affected – deadline 19th March

Badger Cull in West Berkshire?   The Government has recently issued a statement signalling the possibility of a badger cull being held in Berkshire during 2018. Culling badgers has a been a controversial issue for those Counties where it has been taking place for the past 4 years, costing an estimated £50m to date. The Government…
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Snowdrops appearing in early January!

Snowdrops in St Frideswide churchyard   The New Year has arrived and the snowdrops have started coming out in the Churchyard. Will their early arrival mean a long and spectacular season? Did you know that our Churchyard is a wildflower haven - keep watching from now until May and you will see snowdrops, aconites, daffodils…
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