Holy Week and Easter Services ... Palm Sunday - 25th March - no service at Frilsham - 9.30 Communion at Yattendon Good Friday - 30th March - 2.00 p.m. - An Hour before the Cross at Frilsham Easter Sunday - 1st April - 8.00 a.m. - Easter Communion at Frilsham
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Frilsham Snow
The 'Beast from the East' x2! We have possibly experienced more snow in Frilsham in 2018 than the last few years put together. Pictures from around the village... The 'dogs on logs' above are not local but occasional visitors to the village to see a familiar canine friend! There is no…
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Five lunches in Frilsham homes
Lent Lunches in Frilsham - 2018 Every year, during Lent, local people are invited to join hosts from Frilsham and Yattendon to enjoy a simple lunch of soup, bread and cheese. The two villages alternate hosting these lunches and it is Frilsham's turn in 2018. You will be made very welcome - please join us…
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7:30 pm Tuesday 20th March
Frilsham Clubroom Annual General Meeting 7:30 pm Tuesday 20th March, Frilsham Clubroom Please join us to hear the latest Clubroom developments and take part in shaping the future of this village asset. All welcome
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